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Ludo King moves his pieces from the starting point to the target square before his opponent. it combines competition, luck and strategy to suit the player.

The fight to the finish line in Ludo King

The basic rules of Ludo King are simple. There are four chess pieces corresponding to red, yellow, blue, and green; Each player will have his own group of pieces, and the goal is to move all the pieces from the starting point to the destination square. Players will roll the dice to determine the number of moves. Pieces move clockwise around the table and can pass or kick an opponent's pieces if they place their pieces in the same square.

You can play against AI or create a private game room and invite friends to join, participate in online tournaments, or challenge random players from around the world. The game also includes achievements, leaderboards and social interaction, creating a fun and competitive multiplayer experience.

The element of luck is essential

Although the game combines competition, luck, and strategy, it largely depends on luck. When all your pieces are released, move strategically to get your pieces to the finish line first. Rolling the dice to six, you can choose to exit or go 6 more steps and get another dice. Take advantage of all your luck in this game and get to the top first. Are you confident in your luck? Try it in good games or games that use luck factors like Sausage Survival Master, Fall Beans.